Saturday, June 16, 2007

Back Home

I wanted to let you all know that my team and I have all made it back safely home. We spent two days traveling, made all of our flights and arrived with all of our luggage! God is good! So much of that is the prayers and support that you all have offered us during this trip. Thank you all for being a part of this with me....

During our last evening in Chiang Mai, we went out to dinner and completed our debriefing process. We were all asked to share three moments, experiences, or thoughts that we take away from our time in Cambodia and Thailand. Many I have shared here in my blog.

The first was about the beauty of belonging. As our missions director, Duncan Sprague shared with me, "belonging always precedes belief." I have seen that in a powerful way in Asia. We can't just share propositions and truth...those things are good, but they need to be accompanied by love and showing people that they belong in God's story. This is always done in the context of relationships.

The second thing I learned was about "restoration." This is one of my favorite words and always will be. God is at work in Asia. He is bringing all things back under His dominion and original design. I leave Asia inspired and excited about what God is doing. Our church will continue to send teams to this area and develop long term relationships with the camps that we visited.

The third thing I learned actually has to do with you all and this very blog. I have been truly blessed, humbled, and inspired by all of your love and support. I have been on many trips around the world and this trip was very unique because I felt that you all were with me. I loved sharing with you about what God is doing here and many times I went through the day thinking, "that is something that I want to share with my friends and family" and was able to share that almost as it was happening. Your words, comments, support and prayers were beyond words. I felt that everyday as our team entered the battle we were unafraid because you all went with us. I couldn't have done this trip without you! I love you all.

With love...fighting alongside of you,

One night in Bangkok...

We left Chiang Mai on June 14th and headed to Bangkok by plane. So what do you do with only one afternoon and evening in the city of Bangkok? I'm still trying to figure that one out! We were told to visit the King's Royal Palace, but we didn't get there in time before it closed. So we ended up walking, shopping and getting a bit lost on the streets of Bangkok. This city was huge and very different than I had pictured it.

That evening we sat on the roof of our hotel just talking about the trip and life. This was a good time of reflection on the trip and about Asia. I learned that one-third of the the worlds entire population lives within a 3 hour plane flight of the city of Chiang Mai, Thailand, where we were staying with the Bradleys. That really blew my mind...and has reinforced how powerful it is to work and do ministry in this region! God is working here! As our time in Asia comes to a close, I am very sad. I will miss this place. I'll miss this people, the relationships, the sights, the sounds, (most likely not the smells), and being a part of God's work here. Thank you all so much for your prayers and continued support!

The Maesa Elephant Camp

Our time in Chiang Mai, Thailand with the Bradley family was amazing. It was a time mixed with rest, shopping at the "night market" (which is fabulous), visiting tourist locations, and debriefing with the team. On June 13th we visited the Maesa Elephant Camp just outside the city of Chiang Mai on the side of a mountain with lots of jungle terrain. The camp is full of trained elephants. At the camp we got to see the elephants up close and personal. I even got whacked across the head by an elephant truck which nearly knocked me to the ground. It hurt like crazy, but was worth it for the good laugh it gave my group. We also attended an elephant "show" in which we saw elephants playing soccer, dancing, throwing darts, building structures, and painting. These paintings are actually very good and sold for lots of money!

We were able to take a 30 minute ride on an elephant through the jungle. On the ride I kept thinking..."this is the adventure of a lifetime." And while I was riding on the back of our elephant, I praised God again and again for this trip...for the beauty, the people, the relationships, the hardships, the disappointments, the triumphs, the lessons, and this very space in time to see what God is doing on the other side of the world!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Transitions and Buddhism 101

We have arrived safely in Chiang Mai, Thailand and I'm having a difficult time believing that this is the last leg of our trip. Yesterday we traveled across the border from Cambodia to Thailand and then took a van 3 hours to Bangkok where we boarded a plane to Chiang Mai. This was about a one hour flight. Now we are staying with our main leader, Paul Bradley, and his family at their home. This time is set aside for rest and debriefing. There home here is beautiful and thankfully Chiang Mai is a little less humid that Cambodia and Bangkok. Chiang Mai is mountainous and full of jungle. I love it.

Yesterday was my hardest day so far. I guess that I'm experiencing culture shock times two. First as soon as we crossed the border everything was nicer. The roads were paved and things were developed...such a difference from the extreme poverty in Cambodia. Then Thailand has such a different culture. I feel that I do everything wrong and everywhere we go someone on our team is reprimanded. Then I've fallen about 3 times and have been labeled as unlucky by my team since I fail to see the "step up" into most of the buildings and rooms. It's a running joke now that I've done a face plant in the immigration office. :) So my first day in Thailand was not the best impression.

Today has been much better. I feel that I'm adjusting and being in a nice home helps a little too! This morning we traveled to a very well know temple in Thailand with a guide who took us through "Buddhism 101". As we walked around the temple he explained all the practices that the people were doing. He also shared the history of Buddhism and the basis for their beliefs. During this process I was completely overwhelmed to the point of tears as he explained that all Buddhists believe that they must completely kill their desires and that desires are the basis for all the goal is to completely get rid of them. I was saddened to wonder about a culture that is not able to ask questions, or to suffer, or to desire deeply. I thought of my family, my friends, and the students that I work with and was so thankful that we are able to see suffering and pain as a sort of gift though it is hard many times and that I can love deeply and care for people.

It's very hard to see the people of Thailand and Buddhism so close to the truth, yet so deceived. Our guide pointed out so many similarities between the two religions down to some of the details. They have this deep capacity for worship and I believe God has given them some signs of the truth...but the deception is so great and the entire basis of Buddhism is based upon an ugly lie. The work of missions and evangelism here is very long term. I'm am thankful for folks like our guide and Paul Bradley and his family.

Each day has been such a huge learning experience. Thank you all for your love and support. Each day I am blessed by the posts and messages that you leave me. I wouldn't want to do this without you. Blessings to you all.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Unit 513

Yesterday was our last day full day in Cambodia and we spent this day at Unit 513. We only had one day there and it was by far the hottest day we've had yet. Unit 513 is located near the city of Poi Pet which is very close to the Thai border.

Since we didn't have as much time at this camp, we set our hearts and minds on just connecting and playing with the kids while most of the adults waited to talk with the medical team that came with us. They were able to receive medications and many received eye glasses! It was so great to see many folks walking around with their new glasses...taking them off and putting them on again with huge smiles on their faces. It is such a great thought to know that many of you reading this blog provided those new glasses for the folks of 513 through the financial support you have given for this trip. I am so delighted to advance the Kingdom alongside of you! And I am reminded how we must all work together to bring God's story and purpose to others. This would not be possible without you.

Since I am finding "theme words" for each of the camps that we visit, I would have to say that Unit 513 has taught us more about "Restoration." It was here that I spent a lot of time thinking about the question, "what does true missions, ministry and development look like for this country." I don't think it would be giving everyone a nice home or nice things or teaching them to function like we do in America. While I was playing with the kids, I had a conversation with one of our interpreters, named Phanna. He was telling me that the kids were begging us to promise that we would come back. Phanna said that parents here don't really play with their kids, so the kids were thrilled that we were playing with them and really "enjoying" them and that by doing that we were teaching them about real love. I never thought that real missions could be as simple as playing games with kids.

After we left Unit 513 we traveled to the city of Poi Pet to spend the night at the Thai border. This was a bitter-sweet time for me. I was very sad to leave Cambodia, our guide, the doctors, and even our van driver whom we had grown to love, but was very excited to have some much needed rest and to move on to a new adventure.

Cambodia has really captured my heart. The people are so beautiful and inviting. They have taught me so much about God's story and how He is bringing restoration to all things. I continue to learn that the opposite of poverty is not's relationship. It's what God is calling us all to...the restoration of all things; of all relationships...God with man, man with man, man with himself, and man with creation. This is the true work of missions and development. Thank you all for being a part of this.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Unit 512

We just finished our second day at Unit 512. This community is located 1 hour and 20 minutes north of the city of Sisophon.

We spent two days with the kids and their families in this community. They were loving and full of adventure. After we did our crafts, sports, and English lessons, we all sat around the watering hole in the community for several hours and watched a bunch of naked little boys swim and play games with two members of our team, Bryce and Dave. (No one else on our team wanted to take the risk of getting in this water. We're smart!) Each of the boys took turns getting thrown into the water. They loved it! But I think that their parents enjoyed it even more seeing their kids get thrown into the water. This was by far one of the highlights of my time here!

It seemed that the relationships here came easier. Perhaps adventure and fun are deep connectors of our souls; a universal language. And as Bryce has so cleverly pointed out to our team, "I feel that I was more connected with this group of kids...perhaps it was because I was swimming with a group of naked little boys." So this community has taught us about "Enjoyment."

I also wanted to pass along another website to check out for this trip. Adam, our team leader has also been posting about the trip. Check out his website at

I miss you all. Take care!

Unit 51

As we travel across Cambodia I am amazed to see the "mini" cultures inside of this country. Each military camp that we travel to is very different. When we visited Unit One last week, I found the kids and parents there so ready to play and enjoy life. They were warm and inviting. They taught us many games and shared the stories of their lives. We laughed and played hard. In a word they taught us the meaning of "Belonging."

Unit 51 was different. We had a tougher time establishing relationships during the first day. I found that it took more effort to break into their lives. We had to gain their trust. Here we had the opportunity to spend more time with the military officers and their families as well as the kids. The parents and military officers were very curious about us...our stories, our life in the states, and about God. They asked really great questions and it was amazing to see that they were asking the "right" questions.

I had the privilege of sharing my story with this group. This was an opportunity to share with them that just because I live in America and just because I believe in God, does not make life perfect. I shared about my struggle with Multiple Sclerosis and my loneliness in not being married. This message rang true..."we are made for another world". I felt that many of them were surprised to hear that we have poverty, rapists, murders, and thieves in America, but by the end of our time there, we had built the relationships and trust we had hoped for. I felt that we had to fight harder at this place, but the reward was stunning. Unit 51 has taught us more about the gift of "Curiosity."