Thursday, June 7, 2007

Angkor Wat

On Tuesday I was able to mark off one of the places on my list of 100 places to see before I die. Angkor Wat is a famous and ancient temple area spanning 20 square km in the heart of the jungle near Siem Riep with over 200 temples...big and small on the premises. We only had time to visit three of them. It's comparable to the Macchu Piccu empire and the great pyramids of Egypt. This empire lasted from 900 - 1300 A.D. and was only rediscovered some time ago.

I was in awe of the remains of this empire. (I felt like I was in an Indiana Jones movie.) It is vast and beautiful. The stone carvings, artwork and statues are not to be rivaled. As I walked through these temples I couldn't help but wonder how God was at work here...and how every culture; ancient or modern has this deep desire for worship and sacrifice. We all have this idea to create something holy and set apart; to create a place to honor God. For the Angkor empire it was set up to honor Buddhism and Hinduism, but it is interesting that just as you read in Ecclesiastes, "[God] has set eternity in their hearts." We all deeply desire to find something transcendent...beyond our world.

Touching something made hundreds of years ago was almost spiritual like stepping back in time. I am reminded that God has been at work in Cambodia...He is at work...and will continue to be at work. God is timeless and His fingerprints are everywhere.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear about your trip. Your insight is so encouraging. I am praying for you and your team.

Joannie DeBrito said...

Dear Tammy,
I hope that you and your team members will continue to have many adventures on your trip and to be ablt to serve the people of Cambodia. I continue to pray for you...Joannie

Anonymous said...

Hello Tammy, SO COOL to read your postings!!! Way to go on this blog! Can't wait to hear more in person! I'm hanging in there. Praying I get a more mobile brace next week at Dr. appt!!!

Praying for you!!! Carol