Friday, June 1, 2007

Kampuchea for Christ International

Today we visited another organization called "Kampuchea for Christ International". They are based out of Phnom Pehn, but have ministries taking place in several different areas around the country. They have a holistic vision of changing lives. Today we saw two of their ministries; which took us about a 2 hour drive north of the city. The first was a feeding program. This program picks about 50 of the poorest kids from this community to receive one meal each day, 7 days a week. They arrive around 11:00 and line up to for the program. They first sing Christian songs (which they love and dance to) and then receive a new meal and turn in the container of their older meal. We got to hand out the meals today and watch children's faces light up as they received a new meal.

The second ministry that we visited was a center for women. This was an amazing center where about 100 women (hand picked) come to start a new life. Most of these women are very poor and have been involved in some type of difficult situation such as prostitution. The women come to the center, live there, receive counseling!!!, study, and learn some valuable trades such as cosmetics and sewing. After they graduate, they are able to move on to a different more in line with God's origninal design.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So good to hear about all your travels. I am so excited to hear how God is working. You and your team are in my prayers.
Love, Alie