Monday, June 11, 2007

Unit 513

Yesterday was our last day full day in Cambodia and we spent this day at Unit 513. We only had one day there and it was by far the hottest day we've had yet. Unit 513 is located near the city of Poi Pet which is very close to the Thai border.

Since we didn't have as much time at this camp, we set our hearts and minds on just connecting and playing with the kids while most of the adults waited to talk with the medical team that came with us. They were able to receive medications and many received eye glasses! It was so great to see many folks walking around with their new glasses...taking them off and putting them on again with huge smiles on their faces. It is such a great thought to know that many of you reading this blog provided those new glasses for the folks of 513 through the financial support you have given for this trip. I am so delighted to advance the Kingdom alongside of you! And I am reminded how we must all work together to bring God's story and purpose to others. This would not be possible without you.

Since I am finding "theme words" for each of the camps that we visit, I would have to say that Unit 513 has taught us more about "Restoration." It was here that I spent a lot of time thinking about the question, "what does true missions, ministry and development look like for this country." I don't think it would be giving everyone a nice home or nice things or teaching them to function like we do in America. While I was playing with the kids, I had a conversation with one of our interpreters, named Phanna. He was telling me that the kids were begging us to promise that we would come back. Phanna said that parents here don't really play with their kids, so the kids were thrilled that we were playing with them and really "enjoying" them and that by doing that we were teaching them about real love. I never thought that real missions could be as simple as playing games with kids.

After we left Unit 513 we traveled to the city of Poi Pet to spend the night at the Thai border. This was a bitter-sweet time for me. I was very sad to leave Cambodia, our guide, the doctors, and even our van driver whom we had grown to love, but was very excited to have some much needed rest and to move on to a new adventure.

Cambodia has really captured my heart. The people are so beautiful and inviting. They have taught me so much about God's story and how He is bringing restoration to all things. I continue to learn that the opposite of poverty is not's relationship. It's what God is calling us all to...the restoration of all things; of all relationships...God with man, man with man, man with himself, and man with creation. This is the true work of missions and development. Thank you all for being a part of this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVED reading your words today!!! Prasie God for what He is doing in and through you!!! What a joy to read about the beautiful children you got to love on and that's it's not wealth they(or us)need. It's LOVE!! God is Love!!!

Go God!!! Thanks for being there and being God/Love to them!!
