Saturday, June 16, 2007

One night in Bangkok...

We left Chiang Mai on June 14th and headed to Bangkok by plane. So what do you do with only one afternoon and evening in the city of Bangkok? I'm still trying to figure that one out! We were told to visit the King's Royal Palace, but we didn't get there in time before it closed. So we ended up walking, shopping and getting a bit lost on the streets of Bangkok. This city was huge and very different than I had pictured it.

That evening we sat on the roof of our hotel just talking about the trip and life. This was a good time of reflection on the trip and about Asia. I learned that one-third of the the worlds entire population lives within a 3 hour plane flight of the city of Chiang Mai, Thailand, where we were staying with the Bradleys. That really blew my mind...and has reinforced how powerful it is to work and do ministry in this region! God is working here! As our time in Asia comes to a close, I am very sad. I will miss this place. I'll miss this people, the relationships, the sights, the sounds, (most likely not the smells), and being a part of God's work here. Thank you all so much for your prayers and continued support!

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